Nitro Productivity Suite 將 Nitro Pro™(the leading replacement for Adobe® Acrobat)與NitroCloud®(提供了無限的電子簽名和強大的PDF生產力工具)相結合,易於使用,負擔得起的解決方案,可幫助企業顯著地加速整個組織的數位化轉型。借助Nitro Productivity Suite,用戶可以從常見的雲端和 enterprise storage repositories(包括Dropbox,Google Drive,Box,OneDrive或SharePoint)訪問和編輯存儲的文檔,並通過任何瀏覽器(包括行動裝置)發起 eSignature requests。
Nitro Pro 是一個全功能的 PDF 文件處理工具,它可以瀏覽、編輯、建立 PDF 檔案,製作出來的 PDF 文件 100% 相容於其他的 PDF 瀏覽器,並且擁有類似 Office 一樣的漂亮界面外觀,可以完全取代高價的 Adobe Acrobat Professional。
novaPDF 是各用於建立PDF格式電子文檔的專業軟體。novaPDF 的使用非常簡單,只需進行列印,就能輕鬆製作高品質的 PDF 文件。novaPDF 制作的 PDF 文檔能夠兼容 Adobe Reader 或其它任何 PDF 閱讀、編輯軟體。同時,它也支持 PDF 壓縮、安全保密等一些高級特性。
新版 novaPDF 支援 32 / 64 位元 作業系統:Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista (32/64-bits); Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008R2
PDF add-in for Microsoft Outlook. Starting with novaPDF v11 you can convert emails to PDFs directly from Microsoft Outlook using the add-in for Microsoft Office. The add-in had previous support for other Office applications (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Visio), but starting with v11 Microsoft Outlook is supported as well. Once installed you’ll notice another tab called novaPDF in the Outlook ribbon interface, that will let users create PDF files directly from the Office interface by simply clicking a button.
PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 support. With novaPDF v11 you can create PDFs compliant with PDF/A-2 (a/b/u) and PDF/A-3 (a/b/u) specifications. Previous versions only had support for PDF/A-1 (a/b). PDF/A-2a/b/u represents part 2 of the PDF/A standard and is based on a PDF 1.7 (ISO 32000-1), rather than PDF 1.4 as PDF/A-1 is based on. It offers a number of new features such as JPEG 2000 image compression, support for transparency, embedding of OpenType fonts, provisions for digital signatures and the option of embedding PDF/A files to facilitate archiving of sets of documents with a single file. PDF/A-3a/b/u adds only one extra feature in comparison to PDF/A-2, as it allows embedding of arbitrary file formats (i.e. XML, CSV, CAD, word-processing documents, spreadsheet documents) into PDF/A documents.
Quick Access Tray application. novaPDF 11 introduces the Quick Access Tray app. This app offers an overview for the printer and current running jobs, as well as quick access to the most important actions (i.e. see notifications about new versions, licensing status, Printer Monitor and the active printing jobs…).
N-up page layout options. The new version introduces an option that allows you to print multiple pages per sheet (up to 16) and set the page order for the resulting PDF file. Using the new option, when converting a multiple-page document you can print more than one page on a single sheet in the resulting PDF file. Print one, two, four, six, eight, nine, or sixteen pages per sheet.
Pause/Resume PDF printing process. From the Printer Manager you can now pause/resume the PDF conversion process for all printers that use the novaPDF printer driver.
Here’s an overview of all features and updates that
novaPDF 11 includes:
PDF add-in for Microsoft Outlook
Create PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b and PDF/A-2u compliant PDFs
Create PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b and PDF/A-3u compliant PDFs
Quick Access Tray application
N-up page layout options...
PCVARE 是全球知名的領導IT方案解決供應商。解決方案嚴格來說,是站在軟體科技的最前線,並服務世界各地的人們,符合他們的興趣和需求。PCVARE為密碼復原,電子郵件轉檔和通訊錄轉檔提供解決方案。
Incredimail Converter
Convert Incredimail IMM & IML Files to Outlook PST, EML, MSG, PDF, MBX, HTML, RTF & MBOX
IncrediMail Converter automatically locates Incredimail files
Maintains Folder Structur of IncrediMail Emails
No Incredimail Installation required for conversion
Supports all MS Outlook (both 32-bit & 64-bit) editions
Supports all versions of Incredimail including Incredimail 2.5
Allows you to convert corrupt or inaccessible Incredimail files
Maintains & meta-data like read/unread status, message flags etc of Incredimail
Converts multiple Incredimail profiles & Email accounts with all email attachments, Address Book contacts
Allows you to convert emails to popular email clients like Outlook, Adobe Reader, OE, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, Apple Mac Mail, Entourage, Eudora, SpiceBird Mail, The BAT!, Turnpike, Mail Copa, NetScape Mail, Pocomail, Pegasus
Incredimail to Outlook Converter
Convert from IncrediMail to Outlook 64-bit & 32-bit
The IncrediMail to Outlook Converter Software is created to move emails from IncrediMail 2.0, 2.5 to Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003 etc. Not only Outlook, the tool also supports to convert in Outlook Express supported file format. The Tool is capable to keep original Folder Structure of emails with proper attributes from IMM & IML files. IncrediMail to Outlook Converter 64 bit & 32 bit tool can smartly convert IncrediMail Messages to Outlook of UNICODE type. Each PST file will be new and can be open with MS Outlook 2003 and above versions of MS Outlook 32 & 64-bit. There is no file size limitation, you can convert any number of IncrediMail files. There you will find no file is missing during the time of converting files. If you are thinking about how to backup IncrediMail 2.5 manually to Outlook then read the blog of PCVARE which explains that how to do this task manually.
Thunderbird Converter
Export Thunderbird batch emails to PST, EML, MSG, HTML, Adobe, RTF, MBX, EMLX & MBOX file formats
Supports Auto-Detect function to automatically locate Thunderbird profile data
Unlimited File Size Conversion is possible
Supports all the versions of Thunderbird 31.0 & all
Convert Thunderbird emails alongwith attachments
Maintains Thunderbird folder structure during migration
Export & Save Thunderbird emails in Batch mode for quick processing
Supports all MS Outlook 32/64 bit editions to Export Thunderbird to Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 & 2007.
Backup Thunderbird emails with easy process
Save Metadata & Form...
PDF Complete Corporate Edition 是一款專為企業和商業使用者設計的PDF軟體,方便他們閱讀、編輯、轉換和掃描PDF檔。PDF Complete Corporate Edition 為用戶提供了快速、全面、便捷的PDF文檔解決方案。
Corporate Edition 新功能
View, print and search PDF Documents.
Create PDF documents from Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point and publisher with a one-click button.
Document Assembly: Combine multiple PDF documents into a single PDF document.
Convert web pages into PDF documents for review and archiving.
Select and copy text to clipboard.
Easy deployment with one serial number for multiple licenses.
Updates and product improvements are available via online updates.
Citrix and Window Terminal Services Compatible.
Fill and Save PDF Forms.
Password protection and configurable security permissions.
Search for Text.
High efficiency compression and optimization similar or exceeding that of Adobe Acrobat.
Create PDF documents optimized for web download.
OCR Scan paper documents and automatically recognize text using optical character recognition to create searchable PDF Documents.
International language support.
High quality viewer.
User interface internationalization in 38 languages.
PDF Reader Pro 是一個 PDF 強大的工具,將滿足您的所有文檔需求。PDF Reader Pro 基於注釋、編輯、表單填充、OCR、轉換、創建、簽名、書簽和保護您的 PDF 檔等實體功能,允許您流覽 PDF 檔。PDF Reader Pro Edition 提供了更多功能 - 合併和合併多個文檔,將 PDF 拆分為多個檔,從另一個 PDF 中插入頁面,將 PDF 轉換為 Word 和任何其他 Microsoft Office®格式。
PDF to Office (PDF to Office Pack功能需加購)
使用最佳的PDF到Office Converter Offline,可以完全滿足您的要求並保留所有格式。最好的質量和最準確的PDF到DOCX / PPTX / XLSX的轉換,可以使字體和佈局(包括項目符號和表格)保持完整。
PDF Reader Pro可在任何Apple設備上使用,包括Mac,iPad和iPhone,Android和Windows。在整個設備上無縫處理PDF文檔。
Text to Speech
PDF to Word
PDFto Excel
PDF to PowerPoint
PDF to Image
Image to PDF
PDF 閱讀器首選 PDF-XChange Standard Printer 標準版 ─ PDF 檢視、註解、標記、管理、轉檔
最暢銷的製作相容 Adobe PDF 檔案格式解決方案的軟體,它能夠利用任何 Windows 的軟體,例如 MS Word、Excel、AutoCad AutoCAD, MS Publisher 等。PDF-XChange 被當成列印機使用,取代傳統的紙質輸出,它具有豐富的配置和功能選項,而且非常的簡單易用。您可接收 MS Office 的集成並允許額外功能,如點擊目錄 (TOC) 和 URL 支援 (ie ’Click Here’ style links) + Office to PDF 的批量轉換,允許將多個檔案轉換為 PDF 支援的格式,例如 .doc,.xls,.rtf,.html,.txt等。
推薦!! PDF-XChange Editor 編輯版 (取代原先的PDF-XChange Viewer PRO)
更小更快,比其他免費 PDF 閱讀器、瀏覽器及編輯器擁有更多豐富功能。PDF-XChange Editor 版是一個 PDF 創建器,可讓用戶直接從掃描器、圖像檔案開始建立,甚至可採取文字檔(txt.)或.rtf檔,並將之轉換成 PDF 或者從頭開始建立你的 PDF 檔。
推薦超值組合包 PDF-XChange Editor Plus 編輯 Plus 版
超值組合包全面上市!! 新版 PDF-XChange Editor Plus 是一套實用 PDF 閱讀器軟體,可以閱讀、編輯和處理 PDF 文件,在 PDF 文件上進行加入註釋、標記重點、加文字和編輯表格等基本文件編輯功能,同時也能將 PDF 文件轉換成其他格式的圖檔;除了擁有標準版的所有特色功能之外,加添全新設計的 PDF 可填式表格設計和編輯功能 Fillable Forms Designer / Editor,增加了可以建立 (Create) 和編輯 (Edit) 可填式表格的功能。
企業最愛!! PDF-XChange PRO 專業版
推薦超值組合包,包含三套PDF文件編輯管理軟體: PDF-XChange Standard 標準版 + PDF-Tools 工具包 + PDF-XChange Editor Plus 組合包
PDF文件處理工具包 PDF-Tools 工具
一個零或又強大的導引精靈 (wizard driven) 驅動的應用程式,用於 batch 建立、操作和修改 PDF 文件檔案,非常適合在處理大型 PDF 文檔和多個 PDF 檔案同時進行處理的實用工具包。PDF-Tools 工具組包括 PDF-XChange Editor 和 PDF-XChange Lite printer。
支援 Windows 32位元、64位元 作業系統 Windows 10 之後的版本
Enfocus PitStop Pro 是Enfocus 公司開發的PDF編輯工具。它是一套PDF文件編輯軟體。可以讓您直觀的通過導覽幫助您製作一個完美的PDF文件。它是專業出版人員的必備工具,可以檢測出PDF檔案的錯誤並且對其進行自動糾正。
PitStop Pro 是一個Acrobat插件(Plug-in),提供了一個用來檢查、糾錯和轉換PDF文件的功能強大的工具。它可以在現有的PDF文件中添加新頁面對象,同時還支持其他頁面對象的「取樣」功能,可以用於挑選色彩和字體等特性。PitStop的Inspector功能可以檢測出頁面中任何對象的類型和 屬性,還允許用戶修改屬性,如將ICCBased頁面對象的特性文件重新指定給ICCBased頁面對像等。這一功能對於糾正含有來自不同軟體,而 Distill只使用了同一個特性文件處理的圖像的PDF文件很重要。PitStop還具有「全體變化」功能,使整個PDF文檔中的所有對象都發生變化。
對於特殊的色彩,可以通過Image Color Matching調色板來修改PDF文件中的圖像對象,以獲得最佳的輸出一致性。PitStop pro對PDF文件的預覽檢查工作非常有用,可以對許多檢測出的錯誤進行自動糾正。此外還可以通過Action Lists完成糾正操作,自動執行文件重新賦值等許多操作步驟。
Resource Syncing
Resource Syncing allows PitStop Pro subscription users to synchronize their preferred Preflight Profiles and Action Lists with Enfocus Cloud. This ensures that teams across separate locations always work with up-to-date versions of Preflight Profiles, Action Lists, Variable Sets, and Colors, promoting consistency and simplifying disaster recovery.
Change Object Browser Display Order
The Object Browser panel now includes an option to change the display order of objects, allowing users to view them from top-most visible to lowest visible, or vice versa. This makes it easier to select and manipulate specific objects within a PDF.
Convert fill to stroke
A typical pain point in cutting is when the cut lines are converted into a shape and are no longer usable as cut lines in production. PitStop's new, patent-pending, "Fill to Stroke" feature solves this challenge, by reverting the incorrectly converted shape to its original cut path.
Simplify path
PDF renderers, RIP engines and cutting devices often struggle with line art objects that consist of a large number of nodes. Thanks to the new 'Simplify line art' Action in PitStop 24.03 you can reduce the number of nodes without changing the visual appearance of the path.
Bookmark improvements
Bookmarks are convenient for browsing through a file along many other usages. Thanks to PitStop 24.03, you can now use bookmarks' locations to target pages and run additional processes on the selected pages. You can also add your own bookmarks and remove existing bookmarks when needed.
MacOS Sonoma compatible
From this version onwards, PitStop fully supports Mac OS 14 (Sonoma).