Cloudockit是SaaS技術文檔生成工具,可創建用戶的AWS,Azure和Google Cloud Environment的2D和3D Visio圖表。創建的所有圖表都是完全可編輯的,並且可以插入到系統生成的Word文檔中,以增加專業感。使用Cloudockit,用戶可以設置自己的定義並從頭開始創建模板。
自動生成雲端基礎架構的圖表和技術文件。與 AWS、GCP、Azure、VMware 和 Hyper-V 相容。
Autogenerated Editable Diagrams
Cloudockit generates fully editable 2D & 3D Visio or diagrams of both your cloud and on-premises environments. In just a few clicks, get a completely auto-created view of your architecture, and be able to work with.
Autogenerated Technical Documentation
Create a complete Word, PDF or Excel document of both your Cloud and on-premises environments. Save time and energy, reduce the risk of errors and define your template to work with your own style every time.
Scheduling & Automation
Schedule Cloudockit to generate documentation on a regular basis and get a highlight of the changes in your environment. Cloudockit allows you to save time and get an up-to-date documentation.
Drone Harmony Platform 企業級數據採集軟體平台
Drone Harmony 是一個由三個產品組成的平台:Drone Harmony Mobile、Drone Harmony Web和 Drone Harmony Cloud。Drone Harmony Platform 一個完整的軟體平台,可自動規劃和操作您的 3D 無人機數據採集工作流程。從網絡瀏覽器或移動設備訪問從企業範圍視圖到個人飛行計劃的所有內容。利用市場上最先進的地形感知飛行計劃,更好地進行基於無人機的測繪和線性基礎設施檢查。
Repeatable and Reliable Process
Gather the same high-quality data every time, regardless of the operator.
Swiss Safety and Data Security
State of the art data security and on-premise system installation.
Built for Collaboration
Enable easy collaboration between engineers and field operators within your organization.
Quality and Scale through Automation
Reduce manual work to a minimum to ensure quality results are achieved at scale.
Mobile, Web and Cloud
A multi-platform system always at your fingertips whether you are in the office, or in the field.
FinalCode 是一種文件加密/跟踪解決方案,允許您加密重要文件,跟踪其使用情況,甚至遠程刪除它們。當文件發送到公司外部時,使用FinalCode可以防止重要信息(例如技術數據,項目建議書,設計圖紙和客戶信息)的洩漏。
它由加密/查看文件的FinalCode Client和管理文件權限和其他任務的FinalCode Server組成。
最新版本可以在組織內部和外部的任何地方保護文件。FinalCode 具有安全性和可用性功能。重點包括保護整個文件夾的能力,新的FinalCode資源管理器,在打開文件/文件夾時對用戶進行身份驗證的能力,對複雜應用程式和Adobe Illustrator等設計軟體的增強支持以及為搜索目的標記安全文件的功能。
安全容器 - 安全容器功能加密整個文件夾而不是單獨加密文件。這樣,用戶可以同時打開安全容器中的多個安全文件,
對複雜應用程序的擴展支持 - 支持AutoCAD,Photoshop和Illustrator等設計軟體,允許用戶同時在安全容器中查看多個設計
FinalCode Explorer - 與標準Windows資源管理器類似,FinalCode Explorer允許用戶在簡化的可搜索界面中
打開時身份驗證 -強身份驗證功能允許用戶在每次打開安全文件或文件夾時設置身份驗證。當需要高度安全的身份驗證時,
標記 - 用戶現在可以通過文件的元數據將標記添加到其安全文件中。以前,文件搜索僅可通過訪問日誌獲得。
支持Zip文件 - 以前,用戶必須首先解壓縮文件,然後添加修改並再次壓縮文件。使用5.3中的安全容器功能,用戶可以通過
FinalCode Explorer直接編輯和保存文件,而無需解壓縮和重新壓縮
FinalCode Ver.5
FinalCode Ver.6
Within companies and organizations user *1 of encryption, editing, and viewing user
Companies and organizations within the user *1 of encryption and editing user
(in-house viewing user is free of charge)
(Users outside the company/group *2 are free)
Fee structure according to the number of purchased licenses
Not applicable
Deletion / illegal notification function
Paid option
(license / year)
(provided as a standard function)
Network Folder Security
Paid option
(license / year)
(provided as a standard function)
Transparent Secure function
*1 A user whose e-mail address has the "company domain registered by the main administrator on the management screen".
*2 Users with e-mai...
inPhoto Capture SLR 電腦控制相機軟體
Canon 專業單眼相機可從電腦或筆電,利用 inPhoto Capture SLR 軟體來遙控相機的設定和拍攝,是一款專屬 Canon EOS 專業相機的電腦相機軟體工具。另開發 inPhoto Capture PS 針對 Canon 的 Powershot 系列相機軟體。
同時販售多款專業電腦相機軟體,包括 ID 證件照軟體 inPhoto ID 系列軟體以及電腦控制相機的軟體工具 inPhoto Capture 系列產品:
inPhoto ID SLR: ID photo with Canon SLR camera.
inPhoto ID PS: ID photo with Canon Powershot camera.
inPhoto ID Webcam: ID photo with web cameras.
ID Photo Processor: batch photo processing.
inPhoto Capture SLR: full control of Canon SLR cameras.
inPhoto Capture PS: full control of Canon Powershot cameras.
Iperius Backup 是一款功能強大的檔案備份與同步工具,提供靈活且豐富的功能來滿足所有備份需求。它可將檔案和資料夾複製到任何大容量儲存裝置,如 NAS、RDX 裝置、外部 USB 磁碟機以及網路上的電腦,且提供 AES 256 位元加密及 Zip 64 壓縮技術,支援增量備份、FTP/SFTP 和雲端備份 (Dropbox、Google Drive、OneDrive、Amazon S3 和 Azure Storage)、磁碟區陰影複製 (VSS)、網路認證及執行外部程式和腳本,且可做鏡像備份、檔案和資料夾同步等等。
New features
– Various improvements and optimizations
– Added new special variable for backup start date also in timestamp format
Fixed bugs
– CBT Incremental Drive Image Backup: Fixed an issue in user impersonation that could cause a failure to access the backup location error
– Some minor bugs fixed
ISL Light 遠端管理客戶端
Remote Desktop Support
透過此軟體,可以查看和控制客戶端電腦桌面程式,並且可以方便的傳輸文件,使用VoIP網路電話以及視訊電話。ISL Light非常簡單、高度的安全(256-bit SSL),重點是它可以節省您的時間以及金錢。
ISL Online Makes Support Easier
Provide technical support to your clients or access unattended remote computers.
Help Clients Faster than Ever
Users on the move need help? Quickly connect and troubleshoot their computers or mobile devices remotely.
Hundreds of Computers Available Anytime, Anywhere
Set up permanent access by installing a remote access agent on any Windows or Mac computer. Securely connect and manage any server or remote computer from your list or exchange files.
Ways to Connect
Support agents have multiple options to connect with a client.
Support with Custom Look
Add your branding and customise ISL Online to match your workflow.
Enjoy Your Freedom
Remotely control devices anywhere anytime. Even from Antarctica.
Make a Support Team You Will Be Proud of
Manage your help desk operators centrally and optimise their performance by utilising the live monitoring and powerful reporting features.
Rich Features, yet Simple to Use, Fast and Reliable
Technicians from all over the world simply love using ISL Online!
Screen Sharing
View remote desktop
Select region
Transfer session
Invite an operator
Keyboard matching
Restart & resume
Multiple monitors
Session recording
Share my screen
Join a Session
Email invitation
Desktop app
Connect box
Branded access point
Remote support
via Live chat
Mobile devices
Under the Hood
File transfer
Voice & video
Color depth
Remote system
Zoom options
Full screen
Black screen
Unattended Access
Set unattended access
Computer groups
Tag computers
Access password
Remote users
Email notifications
Access history
Wake on LAN
Team Management
Create unlimited operators
License usage
Customise & Integrate
Basic Integration
Change logo and colors
External authentication
Maximum security
Port 7615
Reverse proxy
Password encryption
Access filters
Code signing