3DBP 裝箱裝櫃優化軟體 可協助您為每次出貨選擇合適的包裝盒
3D BIN PACKING 開發團隊2012年成軍以來,推出便利實用的裝箱演算法,讓原本複雜度高的裝箱問題也能迎刃而解,幫助公司企業利用裝箱演算法,裝箱裝櫃以及各式各樣的容器裝填方法達到最佳化,不再僅僅依賴人工經驗裝櫃,更能創造裝櫃智慧化、優化,使容器的利用率最大,為公司節省物流裝櫃成本,業績再攀高峰。
Why 3DBP is the solution you need?
Optimize your packing - by number of boxes, space utilization or cost
Optimize how you pack your pallets and reduce their number for transport and storage
Calculate measurements and the area your packing will use
Maximize the use of space and calculate the right-sized box for your packing
Compare packing items in different sized boxes or packing spaces
Check exactly how many items will fill a box or packing space to capacity
Agamik BarCoder 是一款簡單易用的條碼/二維碼製作工具軟體。Agamik BarCoder除了可以製作單一的條碼/二維碼,還可以批量製作條碼/二維碼,而且支持的條碼格式眾多,非常實用。
BarCoder for has many useful features to help you create the barcodes you need:
Automatic check digit verification
Automatic hyphenation
Automatic sequencing
Bar Width Reduction
Extra text with barcode
Generate barcodes from a text file
Scanner readability preview
Spot/Process colour control
Barcodes made easy
At Agamik our aim is to make sure you can have the barcodes you need, exactly when you want them, and as easily as possible.
Our barcode programs and fonts will generate accurate barcodes in any size. All you have to provide is the number.
Barcode program
Our BarCoder program will generate all the popular types of barcode. You have full control over size and appearance - or can simply leave the software to use the default standard.
Barcode fonts
Our suite of barcode fonts let you display data strings in barcode format.
Barcode overview
There are many different types of barcode, often referred to as barcode symbologies. These have evolved in different places for different uses, but all have the common purpose of encoding a string of characters as a set of bars and spaces.
How can I recognise different barcode types?
You can deduce which symbology is being used from a barcode's general appearance and by looking at the pattern of bars and spaces. Download our free Barcode Identifier program for Mac OS X.
What data should I encode?
You should encode data which will be scanned by an end user. The data may be of immediate use to the user, or be a reference to be reported back to the supplier. For some barcodes, you will require a unique number to be encoded - these are allocated by the appropriate governing body.
Which type of barcode should I use?
The type you want will depend on what it is you need to encode and where the barcode is to be put. Often the end user will stipulate a particular symbology; in other cases you can make your own choice. If you don't know which type of barcode to use, the following may help:
AutoMate 是一個卓越的自動前景和背景事物計劃任務排定軟體。他提供所有必須的工具,用來完成事物的處理,而無論複雜度、執行批處理、語法或者客戶程式、進行計劃任務。
這套軟體是目前市面上同類軟體裡功能最強的自動巨集,可以讓你指定電腦自動執行多個程式,例如退出系統、上網、執行資料庫,打開檔案等。使用者可以讓它執行 那些枯燥的任務,例如檔案備份、自動 FTP、綜合或列印報告等。使用者無須任何程式設計的經驗,只需要在 AutoMate 的嚮導精靈的協助下就可以建立新的進程。該程式還支援以下功能:自動壓縮檔案、增強的參數變數、「IF」的條件批次處理、增強的記錄,與 BASIC更緊密的整合,支援內嵌公式以及錯誤任務提示等。該版本支援新的檔案觸發系統,當檔案被修改後可以做出適當的變化,也支援鍵盤操作和改善了錯誤 提示,更新了 HTML 格式的使用說明和修正了錯誤。
AutoMate 在自動化技術的中型市場中代表一個重大的飛躍。這是一個具有說服力的投資,可確保傳遞業務價值並提高在所有垂直市場組織的投資回報率。隨著企業尋求方法來降低成本、提高效率,他們始終因使用各種腳本、批次處理文件、macros 和其他可執行的自動化任務之複雜性而功虧一簣。如果沒有一個強有力的自動化平台,可提供一個易於使用的、終端到終端的解決方案,則 IT 和業務流程的自動化將變得難以實現和付出高昂的維護費用。
AutoMate 所涉及到的功能、便於使用、可配置性和成本比其他系統都龐大、價格昂貴或甚至兩種原因都存在的時候,該軟體為此提高其標準。這是唯一的產品,可提供的電源類型,通常出現在大型企業系統中,使用較少功能的簡易應用程式。如此在電源和簡易化之間,為中型市場創造了一個理想的自動化平台。
New Features
Custom Action Enhancements
Automate only.
Added support for masking the textbox and multiline textbox controls in the GUI and encrypting the corresponding Automation Markup Language (AML) in the Task Builder.
Added support for session-based custom activities.
In addition to its inclusion in the SDK, the Automate.Plugins.Custom.Contract.dll file is now installed in the \Automate 2024\CustomActions and \Automate 2024 Agent\CustomActions folders. This update removes the requirement to include the Automate.Plugins.Custom.Contract.dll file in each Custom Action folder while providing backward compatibility with older Custom Actions.
NOTE: For more information on how to use these enhancements, download Custom Action SDK 1.1 and see its Release Notes.
ROI Tasks
Automate only.
Added new ROI tasks to the Repository section (Tasks > ROI). Once configured in the Task Builder, these tasks will pull information from the Automate datastore and populate Excel templates, allowing you to chart the information to see trends in ROI, execution time and outcomes, and object creation.
Automize - Automation software suite to improve your productivity and save time.
Automize 是Hitek Software的旗艦產品,也是跨越不同作業平台(Windows、Mac OSX、Linux)的領導先鋒,它讓你的電腦工作更加自動化,提供電腦中一些例行工作自動化的功能,你可以將一些經常會使用到的動作錄製下來,然後再透過時間的設置,如此只要時間一到,Automize就會讓您的電腦自動開始工作。 Automize可以執行的工作相當多,包括了多重的FTP上下傳、利用Proxy的認證功能下載文件、電子郵件寄送、鬧鈴提醒、儲存文件、等等。
Enterprise = Standard + SFTP module + PGP module + Scripting module (javascript, java, groovy, jython, jruby etc..)
Automation software for Mac. We develop and test on Mac.
Automation software for Windows. We also develop and test on Windows.
Tested on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux (Ubuntu and Fedora)
Task scheduler allows you to schedule tasks, execute tasks as well as other software programs and applications. No programming or script knowledge is required.
Email Notification for all tasks based on task exit code.
Dynamic variables are supported for most tasks. Most tasks also generate variables which can be used in other tasks.
Create advanced automation solutions using our Automize tasks in conjunction with variables, directory/file monitors and our task chains.
Command and Windows Command tasks can run your batch files, scripts or executable programs. It can also terminate them or obtain their exit codes for use in other Automize tasks.
Chain Task Integrator includes Commands, database SQL, check email, FTP, Web downloads, send email, URL monitors, telnet, ping, copy, print files etc.. Run multiple programs, commands, FTP, email, web downloads etc.. in sequence with options depending on Exit codes.
Scripting: For advances users, you can develop scripts that reduce repeated, laborious computer-related activities. You can also create complex automation scripts which build upon existing Automize tasks. Automation scripting features are available in the Automize Enterprise edition. Scripts can be written in Java, Javascript, Groovy, Ruby, Python, Tcl, AWK and other languages!
Automate FTP to/from an intranet or internet server. Schedule FTP of files between your PC and the server and automatically rename the files based on current month, day or time if needed. FTP supports wildcards (*). Transfer multiple files at once. Supports FTP logging and can be used as an FTP daemon. Secure FTP module is available as an add-on.
FTP Command task can run RFC FTP commands in sequence.
Automate XML tasks. XML loop , XML monitor, XML validate
Automate PGP encryption and decryption tasks
Schedule downloads of your favorite sports, weather, news or entertainment we...
新版 Axosoft 可整合時下流行的辦公即時通訊平台 Slack
Axosoft 專案管理軟體成為團隊敏捷式開發的開始
超過 10,000 個遍布世界各地的公司都選擇 Axosoft 來做 Scrum 敏捷式開發,服務每一個大小不同的開發團隊 - 所以其中的因素是,根據客戶群,專案管理軟體平均為客戶節省每年約三個月的開發時間。當發布一個產品的準時或延遲都可能意味著成功和失敗之間的差異,這樣的數字是難以忽視的。
Version Change
» Added Microsoft OAuth 2.0 login support for email account setup.
» Added Google OAuth 2.0 login support for email account setup.
» For custom smtp settings you now have the ability to increase max attachment size for sending emails.
» Renaming system labels will now get applied to related customer portal tabs.
Bug Fixes
» Customer API will now work correctly with paging.
» Release API will no longer return an error if no items are assigned to a release.