Client Components
Advosol 提供適用於所有規範、經典 OPC DA、HDA、A&E、XML-DA 和 OPC UA 的 .NET 元件。這些元件提供了一組易於使用的 .NET 類別來處理 OPC 伺服器存取。需要很少的 OPC 規範知識。經典 OPC SDK 的 UA 附加元件簡化了向 OPC UA 的遷移。
EasyUA Client SDK
The EasyUA Client SDK provides a set of .NET classes that handle the UA server communication. Included are sample applications and utilities for configuration and testing.
OPC UA DA, HA, AC and UA Methods functionality is supported.
OPC clients can be developed in C# or VB.NET without the hassle of COM interoperability. The OPCDA.NET OPC Client SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms. All features of the OPC DA V2.05 and V3.0 specifications are supported. Additional helper classes, tools and many samples provide a highly efficient application development environment.
The OPCDA.NET-UA add-on option extends the OPCDA.NET Client SDK for C# and VB.NET with an OPC UA wrapper. The application can access OPC DA and OPC UA servers through the same API.
Users of the OPCDA.NET Client Component can upgrade their products to support OPC UA without application code changes.
OPC A&E clients can be developed in C# and VB.NET. The OPCAE.NET SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms.
OPC Historical Data Access clients can be developed with C# or VB.NET. The OPCHDA.NET Client SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms. The development of applications for the OPC HDA Server access is simple and efficient.
XMLDA.NET is a .NET Client development toolkit that handles the access to XML DA and OPC DA servers. The application is coded as an XML DA web client, independent of the type of server to be accessed. Ideal for ASP.NET applications.
Server Development Kits
Advosol 提供用於開發 OPC DA 和 OPC UA 伺服器的 .NET 工具包。該工具包分為兩部分。通用伺服器部分使用經典 OPC 伺服器所需的 DCOM 互通包裝來處理客戶端介面。
應用程式特定的 .NET 插件 DLL 處理「裝置」(任何資料來源)存取。它以 C# 或 VB.Net 編碼為純 .NET 組件。不需要 DCOM 知識。
OPC DA .NET Server Toolkit
The DANSrv is a .NET (C# and VB.NET) server development toolkit for OPC DA V2/V3 compliant servers. All required customization is done in a .NET assembly. No DCOM and little OPC knowledge is required. The toolkit is easy to use, has high performance and can easily handle ten thousands of items.
uaPLUS UA Server Toolkit
The Advosol uaPLUS OPC UA Server Toolkit simplifies the transition to OPC UA. The toolkit can use the same C#/VB.NET customization plug-in .NET assembly as the Advosol OPC DA/HDA/AE and XML DA server toolkits. Or, UA servers can be implemented with UA node managers
Converter Servers
轉換器伺服器在不同的 OPC 規格之間進行轉換。
OPC DA server that enables OPC DA clients to access remote XML DA...
OPC Client Toolkit for Delphi
為了提供作為一個 Delphi開發人員,與標準OPC一同工作的機會,在熟悉的Embarcadero公司(Codegear, Borland)的Delphi環境,我們已經開發了100%VCL的軟體工具包(SDK)支援最常見的接口和OPC的協議(Data Access DA, XML DA and Alarms & Events AE)。
dOPC Client Toolkit for Delphi 是全球Delphi最常用的OPC組件之一。
works with Delphi 12.0 Athens
works with Delphi 10.0 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney and 11.3 Alexandria
works with Delphi 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, from XE to XE8 (without UA)
100% VCL & FireMonkey Framework compatible
100% written in Object Pascal
delivered with full source code
more than 30 example programs with full source code
beside the OPC core components no additional DLL or ActiveX controls needed
comprehensive help file
rapid application deployment
Unicode support (RAD Studio 2009 or newer)
fast GUI development (no source code required)
multiple and remote OPC server connections supported
creation of 32 and 64 bit OPC high performance clients
no runtime fees, royalty-free runtime distribution
no limit on the number of applications developed
designed for: Windows 11, 10, 8,7, Vista, XP
creation of native OPC UA & XML DA clients for Android, Mac OS (OS X) and iPhone (iOS) (XE5 or higher)
有了強大的dOPC Toolkit 只需點擊幾下滑鼠即可允許你建立OPC客戶端應用程序。例如dOPC包括一個 GUI組件,它允許你綁定 OPC項目值,直接可視化組件的屬性,如標籤或編輯框。
如果你想創建一個快速和專業的方式,是具有最高性能的OPC客戶端應用程序,然後這個 dOPC Client Toolkit 將是最適合您的解決方案!
OPC Client Toolkit for C++ Builder
為了提供作為一個 C++ 開發人員,與標準OPC一同工作的機會,在熟悉的Embarcadero公司(Codegear, Borland)C++ Builder 環境,我們已經開發100%VCL的軟體工具包(SDK),支援最常見的接口OPC的協議(Data Access DA, XML DA and Alarms & Events AE)。
如果你想創建一個快速和專業的方式,是具有最高性能的OPC客戶端應用程式,那個這個 dOPC Client Toolkit for C++ Builder將是最適合您的解決方案!
以下是你應該要購買OPC C++ Framework for Codegear C++ Builder此產品幾個很重要的因素:
available for C++ Builder 12 Athens
available for C++ Builder 10.0 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney and 11.3 Alexandria
available for C++ Builder 6, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, from XE to XE8 (without UA)
quick and easy development of OPC UA, Classic DA, AE and XML DA clients
no additional DLL or ActiveX controls needed
delivered with full Delphi source code
more than 10 example programs with full source code
comprehensive help file
rapid application deployment
fast GUI development (no code required)
multiple and remote OPC server connections support
unicode support (RAD Studio 2009 or newer)
creation of OPC 32 bit high performance clients
no runtime fees, royalty-free runtime distribution
no limit on the number of applications developed...
Softerra LDAP Administrator 是首屈一指的Explorer 風格LDAP 客戶端,專為Windows 設計。 如果您是專業的軟件研發人員或系統管理員,Softerra LDAP Administrator 將幫助您更輕鬆有效地查看與分析LDAP 目錄。
界面簡便直觀,具有獨特的條目創建嚮導,完全支持所有最流行的LDAPv3 服務器,並有許多其他強大功能。 在Softerra LDAP Administrator 的研發過程中,我們特別注意確保應用程序能快速處理大量數據,這在製定可行的電子商務解決方案時至關重要。
對致力於創建與維護包含各種基於LDAP 組件的複雜系統的人來說,Softerra LDAP Administrator 是不可或缺的工具。 例如,這些系統可以是基於LDAP 的分佈式電子郵件系統或公共密鑰管理系統,使用各種LDAP 服務器例如Active Directory, Novell Directory Services 或Netscape/iPlanet。
Softerra LDAP Browser 是Softerra LDAP Administrator 的輕量級版本,功能有限,但無論作為何種用途(包括商業用途),均可免費使用! 與Softerra LDAP Administrator 不同,Browser 不允許用戶修改LDAP 目錄。
What’s New in LDAP Administrator 2025
This release brings major improvements to reports – creating new reports and editing the existing ones has become much easier. Here’s what’s new in LDAP Administrator 2025.
Create and edit reports in the UI
Now, you can create and modify reports directly in the application. Manually editing XML report files is a thing of the past.
A handy wizard will guide you through report creation in a matter of minutes.
Configure report parameters
Adding parameters to a report is basically selecting the parameter type and going through a couple more steps to configure it.
For example, you can fiddle with restrictions on parameter values – make a datetime parameter accept dates only within a certain range.
Adjust scope and filters
Stating the obvious, you can configure the report scope and the search filter. The not-so-obvious part is that you can use parameters within the filter, allowing you to generate different search results depending on the provided parameter value.
Customize views
Every report has a default set of columns as well as sorting and grouping settings. Needless to say, these are also fully customizable.
Organize reports your way
Guess what, the report folder structure can also be reorganized and its contents renamed as you see fit. Moving and copying reports or report containers via drag-and-drop is fully supported.
Export and import reports
You can now transfer reports anywhere by exporting them to a file and importing them on another device. Seamless import of custom report files from older versions comes as a bonus.
Save and load report configurations
Reports are now part of the application configuration, allowing you to save and load them along with the rest of your settings.
Restore to default settings
If you accidentally mess up a bulit-in report, you can restore it to its initial state with a single click. The same goes for the built-in report folder structure.
OPC Data Client 是由三個部件構成:OPC Data.NET、OPC Data-COM與OPC Data-UA。OPC Data.NET 和OPC Data-COM組件提供了類似的功能和特性,可用於開發OPC Data Access (DA) 和OPC Alarms & Events (A&E) clients。OPC Data.NET和OPC Data-COM可單售,而OPC Data-UA目前不單售。
Rapid OPC UA, DA, A&E, XML-DA Client Application Creation
Develop x86 & x64 custom OPC client software applications for .NET Core, .NET Standard, and .NET Framework
Support for Windows and Linux (.NET Core, OPC UA, XML-DA only) for flexible platform choice
OPC Interoperability tested and lab certified for compliance
Simple read, write, subscribe methods abstract and manage OPC details for fast implementation
Read and write real-time data using the OPC DA standard
Used for reading/writing of real-time data with OPC DA 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x servers connected to control system devices such as PLC, DCS, etc. devices such as PLC, DCS, etc.
Access alarm and event notifications from OPC A&E Servers in your custom application
As supported by your OPC A&E server, access process alarms, operator actions, informational messages and tracking/auditing messages
Read and write real-time data using OPC Unified Architecture (UA) Generic Data Standards
In OPC UA, the functionality of classic OPC Data Access (DA) is called generic data. OPC Data Client supports full read/write subscribe capabilities and more.
Access Event Notifications, Alarm Acknowledgement and Condition Management in OPC UA Servers
OPC Data Client provides simple methods and event handlers provided to work with OPC UA servers that follow the Alarm & Condition Facet standards.
Access Complex Data Models in OPC UA from Your Application
The OPC UA specifications provide for means for industry organizations and users to define complex data models where a node is no longer just a single value. A node might be a structure, also known as a User Defined Type (UDT) containing multiple values of differing data types.
OPC Data Client provides methods for reading, writing, and subscribing to complex data within an OPC UA Server. The Siemens S7-1500 PLC is an example of a device that has a built in OPC UA server that supports UDTs or structures.
Deliver OPC UA datasets using message-oriented transports
Part 14 of the OPC Unified Architecture adds the ability to deliver data sets using message-oriented middleware. Starting with Version 2019.2 (5.56) and higher of the OPC Data Client toolkit, these features are supported in the Ultimate Edition product license.
Subscribe to dataset messages with data or events from a publisher over UDP & MQTT transports with UADP and JSON message formats
Included OPC UA Demo Publisher helps you test your client application
Load and inspect P...
QuickOPC 是一種全新存取OPC數據的方式軟體。是個用來在網路上發布OPC數據或是整合OPC至涉及到工業自動化和控制過程的自定義應用程序的理想工具。QuickOPC提供了令人難以置信的短碼來創建OPC客戶端。 此外,使用複雜的啟發式演算法去優化自生的功能,QuickOPC工具包提供了最有效,最快速的方法去存取OPC數據。
Tested for compliance with OPC protocol standards, and for interoperability.
Integration with Visual Studio development environment.
Internal messaging layer provides isolation between OPC communications and the custom client code, resulting in high resiliency.
Automatically connects to and disconnects from OPC Servers.
No limits to number of connections, subscriptions, or tags.
Supports all flavors of OPC synchronous and asynchronous reads and writes internally, subscriptions, discovery, browsing, and property access.
Wide range of developer productivity features: Intellisense, ReSharper annotations, serialization support, and many more.
Browsing Dialogs: Ready-made set of rich user interface (UI) components for browsing the OPC world.
Architecture 架構
QuickOPC Parts
The QuickOPC product allows development of clients for OPC protocols in various tools under Windows. It consists of three basic parts:
QuickOPC.NET, for OPC "Classic" specifications (COM- and XML-based), and Microsoft .NET Framework technology
QuickOPC-COM, for OPC "Classic" specifications, and use with Microsoft COM (OLE automation)
QuickOPC-UA, for OPC Unified Architecture specifications (for use from within .NET or COM-based tools)
Why QuickOPC?
It works in a wide range of programming languages and tools. C# and Visual Basic are the most obvious, but the list is very long.
OPC Specifications: QuickOPC supports OPC Data Access 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, OPC Alarms and Events 1.10 and earlier, OPC XML-DA 1.01, and OPC Unified Architecture (natively, or through UA COM Proxy - included).
You can develop on Microsoft Windows in .NET, or with a use of COM-based tools. Read more about the platforms.
You can pick from, or combine multiple development models. When developing user interfaces, you can replace or supplement the traditional procedural coding by a codeless Live Binding model. More advanced models such as Live Mapping, or Reactive Programming, are available as well.
QuickOPC toolbox is suitable for a wide range of usage areas in process control and industrial automation. For example, developing HMIs, dynamic recipe loading, or customized data loggers, is straightforward.
強化了對於連續操作與global system的支援,加強通訊效率,大幅增加可連結的機種、加入script機能,最先進的OPC Server--DxpSERVER系列等您來體驗。
OPC Interface
The OPC Interface includes OPC-DA (OPC Data Access) for real time communication, OPC-HDA (OPC Historical Data Access) for logging data, and OPC-AE (OPC Alarm and Event) for management of warning and event. In them, OPC-DA is ahead now, and "OPC-DA3.0" has been released as the latest specification.
What's OPC Server?
We develop some OPC Server, For MITSUBISHI MELSEC, For YOKOGAWA FA-M3, For OMRON SYSMAC, For JTEKT(TOYODA MACHINERY) TOYOPUC, For HITACHI HIDIC, For KEYENCE KV, For SHARP SATELLITE, FUJI MICREX, and For MODBUS slave equipment. The OPC Server is the product access to physical device (i.e. PLC) and return it's value via OPC interface to client applications. So when integrated application, if only support OPC interface, you will be easy to access without PLC technical information.
Merit of OPC Server
The OPC Server is effective following case.
# Using different maker of PLC for each equipment or facilities.
# Using different maker of SCADA for each equipment or facilities.
# Using software without driver of target device.
# Not having information of PLC so much.
# Developing equipment or facilities for exports.
Besides this, various advantages can be expected. So please examine the OPC Server by all means.