Powerful eLearning Authoring Software
ActivePresenter includes all the tools needed to record screen, annotate, edit screencast videos and create interactive eLearning contents in HTML5
Screen Recording
Software Guides
Video Editing
eLearning Games
Software Simulation
Quiz Building
All My Movies 是一個電影收藏管理軟體,用於建立由Bolide Software開發的媒體收藏(藍光光碟,DVD,VHS錄像帶等)的個人數據庫。
Catalogue your movie collection with virtually no typing.
Automatically gather information from online sources (lookup IMDb and a dozen of other sources).
Organize all of your movies across all of your drives.
Store extended cast info; actor's photo, biography, etc.
Track your collection through detailed statistics.
Add your own journal entries after watching a film.
Become a movie expert!
Includes support for TV Series. Auto-fill episode details from
Play movies directly within AMM (can be used as a video playlist).
Automatically look up actor photos, biographies and filmographies.
Search for movies using different fields (title, director, year, cast, genre, synopsis, etc).
Scan your hard drive for movie files; add them all or a select few in batch mode.
Download large cover images and DVD/Blu-ray posters from online databases.
Capture frames directly from DVDs or AVI files and add them to the movie database.
Add DVD/Blu-ray using UPC/EAN movie barcodes.
Import details automatically from IMDb (and other online movie databases of your choosing). Additional databases available through plug-ins.
Import DVD/Blu-ray catalogues from other formats (CSV, EXCEL, or other movie organizer program) for easy migration.
Export your collection data to PDF, HTML, TEXT, CHM, or EXCEL (templates are available or you can create your own).
Sync your collection with iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android mobile devices.
Browse your collection through a customized table view.
Generate reports about your collection using customized data points.
Access collection statistics through a clear overview of your video inventory.
Print a hard copy of your collection details using the built in report editor.
Network mode, allows you to share your collection database with your home network across multiple computers at a time.
Multilevel automatic backup option.
Password protection.
Generate images with video details for hardware media like Tvix or Dune.
Auto-fill technical details for video files through MediaInfo.DLL support.
For Windows Vista/7/8/10/11
Any Video Converter Ultimate 是一套功能強大的軟體,可實現螢幕錄影,DVD 轉檔/燒錄,視訊轉檔,YouTube 下載,視訊編輯,擷取影片檔的音訊等操作。
作為一套螢幕錄影軟體,Any Video Converter Ultimate 不僅擷取全螢幕以及您自訂大小矩形畫面,還可以擷取 YouTube 等同類的線上影片,並支援 AVI,MP4,WMV,MKV,MPG 等影片格式的輸出。甚至可以將錄影內容燒製成 DVD ,方便您在電視或 DVD 播放機上欣賞。
Any Video Converter Ultimate 是一套方便好用的影片轉檔軟體。程式介面簡單易懂,即使是電腦菜鳥,也能輕鬆地完成螢幕錄影以及 DVD / 影片轉檔。該軟體採用 CUDA 技術,提高影片轉檔的速度,盡可能地在不損壞原畫質的情況下快速進行影片轉檔。
還在尋找螢幕錄影軟體嗎?Any Video Converter Ultimate 是你最佳的選擇
AV Voice Changer Software 是一套有趣的變聲軟體,它能將我們的聲音,進行特殊處理後變成另一種聲音,內建100多種男聲和女聲的特效。另外它可以做到即時變聲,如果我們在使用語音 聊天、網路電話或視訊會議時,都能立即的將我們的聲音改變。
超強變聲工具 - AV Voice Changer Software,只要您透過麥克風所輸入的聲音,透過它的能夠即時輸出變成各種稀奇古怪的聲音,包括:變成女聲、男聲、鬼叫聲、馬叫聲...等等,非常有趣!還有錄音的功能喔!可以儲存 WAV 格式聲音檔。
• 提供高品質聲音效果。
• 可使用在OnLine Game的環境中。
• 完全相容於即時通訊軟體的語音功能。
• 可做批次聲音轉換。
• 簡單易懂的操作介面。
Do a wide range of voice changing related tasks for many different purposes:
Voice-over and voice dubbing for audio/video clips, presentations, narrations, voice messages, voice mails, E-greeting cards, broadcasting, etc.; mimic the voice of any person, create animal sounds, change/replace/remove voices in songs, videos,etc.
Interfaces with any audio recorder and audio editor program:
Sony Sound Forge, Adobe Audition, Audacity, Adobe Captivate, Camtasia, GoldWave, Reaper, Soundbooth, CrazyTalk, etc.
Works with most in-game voice chat systems:
Second Life, World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Everquest, Counter-Strike, Battlefield 2, Steam Game Portal and many more.
Works well with many other voice chat applications, VoIP and instant messaging programs:
Skype, Ventrilo, TeamSpeak, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Live Messenger, AIM, XFire, GoogleTalk, Roger Wilco, Net2Phone, GSC, X Lite, Voxox, VoipStunt, VoipBuster, QQ, Psi, Mumber, Nimbuzz, Mohawk, Eyball Chat, Callcentric, and more.
Media Composer 是更高效和易於使用的影音編輯工具。使您的工作與您所想像的一切,融入任何工作流程。且讓您可以運作的比以往任何時候都更快。Media Composer是最快、最多才多藝的專業影音編輯工具。可用於 MacOS X 和Windows XP 系統。包括下列新功能:支援基於 Intel 的 Mac 系統、高品質低帶寬的DNxHD 36 編解碼器、改進的 XDCAM 和 P2 工作流程、自動腳本編輯器 ScriptSync?、支援 720p50 格式,再加上所有具有獨創性的工具、整合式的媒體管理以及支援多格式編輯,所有這些特性都使 Media Composer 堪稱為全球最佳的編輯工具。讓您編輯速度更快,作品品質更高,且可即時混合和編輯多種格式,讓您充滿信心地處理電影和影音素材,且擁有更高的生產率、更多的創作時間。
Get better performance and speed to handle complex editing, now that Media Composer is a 64-bit app
With Avid Open I/O, third-party manufacturers can now make their I/O hardware work with Media Composer
Manage and edit stereoscopic 3D projects with a comprehensive set of tools and workflows
Take hands-on control of all color correction and grading functions with Artist Color
Create 5.1 and 7.1 surround mixes directly within Media Composer, or import from Pro Tools
Work more creatively with audio with new mixer features and support for additional Pro Tools hardware
Work more easily and efficiently—but not differently—with the sleek and sexy new user interface
Get full native ProRes support on Macs (encode and decode) for easy integration into any ProRes workflow
Instantly access, screen, and edit AVCHD clips through AMA
Instantly access, screen, and edit footage shot on RED EPIC cameras through AMA
Accelerate your RGB 4:4:4 workflow with Avid DNxHD 444, which delivers exceptional image quality in a low bandwidth format
Conveniently purchase stock footage, plug-ins, and more through the Avid Marketplace
Get direct access to user guides and documentation from within the interface
Access additional ancillary data when working with XDCAM HD material
Work more easily with animated effects with many keyframe editor improvements
Get Avid FX (Boris RED), Avid DVD, and Sorenson Squeeze Lite in all versions of the software
Manage multiple licenses more easily with unified licensing
OS Support
(Latest Patch)
Mac OS X
14.0 to 14.3.x (Sonoma - no dongles)
13.x to 13.6.x (Ventura – no dongles)
12.x to 12.7.x ***** (Monterey - no dongles)
Win 11 64-bit 22.H2 or later Pro and Ent
Win 10 64-bit 22.H2 or later Pro and ENT
Qualified Systems
Avid Qualified Systems and IO hardware for Media Composer | Software
Apple silicon (M3, M3 Pro, M3 Max, M2, M2 Pro, M2 Max, M2 Ultra, M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max, M1 Ultra) added.
macOS Monterey and higher
*** If you have an NVIDIA Quadro 4000 graphics card please note: The older no-longer supported NVIDIA Quadra 4000 graphics card (not to be confused with the RTX 4000, P4000, M4000, and K4000 - which are still supported) has been known to cause performance issues in systems running newer versions...
AVS Video ReMaker 是一款強大的視訊短片軟體,可以無需重新編碼而切去視頻的某些片段;AVS Video ReMaker 的視頻切割是在時間軸上完成的,通過 AVS Video ReMaker 你可以實現以下操作:將視頻切割為多個片段,刪除不需要的片段,然後對剩餘的視頻片段重組,添加轉場特效,或者將各片段另存;合併視頻(需要視頻有相同的幀頻率、編碼器等);編輯 DVD、藍光視頻,添加章節、功能表等。
使用AVS Video ReMaker剪切,刪除不需要的部分,更改MPEG,AVI,DVD,藍光,WMV等場景序列。保存視頻而無需重新轉換。
編輯AVI,VOB,MP4,DVD,藍光,WMV,3GP,FLV,TS,DVR-MS,MOV,MKV,H.263 / H.264編解碼器等。
編輯用攝像機和攝像機錄製的AVCHD,MOD,MTS / M2TS,TOD等視頻文件。
將視頻拆分為章節,在多個功能表模板之間進行選擇。使用AVS Video ReMaker將視頻文件刻錄到DVD或藍光光盤上。
使用AVS Video ReMaker將視頻從便攜式攝像機和攝像機傳輸到硬盤,編輯文件和創建家庭視頻DVD 。從網絡攝像頭和DV攝像頭捕獲視頻。
AVS Video ReMaker界面提供英語,法語,德語,西班牙語,意大利語,日語,波蘭語和俄語。
Platforms: Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP (no Mac OS/ Linux support)
Minimum System Requirements
Processor: Intel / AMD compatible at 1.86 GHz or higher
RAM: 1 GB or higher
Video: Intel HD Graphics, NVIDIA GeForce, AMD Radeon Graphics
Sound: Windows compatible sound card
DVD recorder: for importing from DVD and creating Video DVD
DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or later
Recommended System Requirements
Operating system: Windows 11/Windows 10/Windows 8.x/Windows 7
Processor: Dual core (Intel Core i3 series or AMD equivalent)
RAM: 3 GB or higher
Video: Intel HD Graphics, NVIDIA GeForce recommended for hardware acceleration
Sound: Windows 11/Windows 10/Windows 8.x/Windows 7 compatible sound card
*Administrative permissions for program installation and Internet connection for activation.
Beauty Box Video 通過皮膚美化功能讓你的演員和模特擁有難以置信的美容效果。這款視頻外掛程式可以自動地識別皮膚的色調,消除膚色不均勻,以達到完美的美容效果。剪輯師和藝術家再也不需要逐幀修飾演員的面部皮膚。無論是用在電影,音樂錄影帶還是發言人的演說中的頭部特寫,Beauty Box Video都是幫助他們在螢幕上表現出最佳狀態的強大的工具。
Beauty Box操作非常簡單。這種After Dffects和Final Cut Pro外掛程式能夠自動檢測到人臉的皮膚色調,只對圖像中的皮膚部分做平滑修飾的作用。只需要選用適合的篩檢程式選擇要修飾的區域,點擊Analyze Frame按鈕,選擇平滑度,就能夠使皮膚變得光滑。就是如此的簡單!
Digital Makeup for Video Post Production. Easy Retouching
The Beauty Box Video skin retouching plugin acts as digital makeup in post-production by incorporating state-of-the-art face and skin detection and smoothing algorithms. It takes the edge off of skin and makeup problems that can be visible with HD and 4K video. Realistically and quickly applying digital makeup that makes your talent look great, without making them look airbrushed or blurry. Making for happy talent and producers.
Powerful, Easy, Realtime skin retouching for video
Beauty Box Video 4.0 takes the best selling and most awarded skin smoothing technology available and gives it realtime rendering (on some GPUs). Beauty Box already had the best automatic masking and skin retouching capabilities of any plugin and now it has incredibly fast rendering as well! We used CUDA and OpenGL to give Beauty Box realtime or near realtime rendering. Your talent will be just as beautiful as ever, but now you won't have to wait to smooth wrinkles and blemishes!
Used Worldwide for Feature Films, Music Videos, Commercials and More
Video editors and artists no longer have to manually create masks or retouch frame by frame. Beauty Box automatically identifies the skin tones and removes imperfections, like digital makeup, while leaving important facial details sharp. It's used by such companies as Park Road Post Production, NBC, and Universal Music. Beauty Box is a powerful tool for any production that requires people to look their best.
Video Joiner
Boilsoft Video Joiner is a powerful video merger to join AVI, MPEG, MPG, VOB, RM/RMVB, 3GP, ASF, WMV, WMA, MP4, MP4A, MKV or FLV files, etc. to one "non-stop" larger file. Boilsoft video joiner provides you with Direct Stream mode and Encode mode to merge your videos more efficiently, and supports joining different format videos together at super speed.
Video Splitter
Boilsoft Video Splitter is a powerful video cutter to split, cut or trim a large AVI, MPEG, RM, ASF, WMV, 3GP, MKV, FLV or MP4 Video file into smaller video clips without re-encode. This video splitter and video cutter software has the built-in video player, you can easily split/cut AVI, MPEG, RM, ASF, WMV, 3GP or MP4 video file by time or the selection as needed.
Video Cutter
Boilsoft Video Cutter is a perfect video cutting software to cut video files into several segments easily and quickly. Boilsoft Video Cutter cuts all popular formats video: it works as an AVI video cutter, MPEG video cutter, VOB video cutter, WMV video cutter, ASF video cutter, RM video cutter, RMVB video cutter, 3GP video cutter and MP4 video cutter.