Predict的使用者不需先具備類神經網路的知識。只要使用者將要探討的議題,由經驗得來的資料建立成模型。Predict會分析輸入的資料來進行適當的轉換、分類成training和test組,選取相關的輸入變數、然後建構、訓練和最佳化成特定問題的類神經網路。針對進階使用者,Predict也提供了所有的key training和網路參數。
在Windows視窗作業環境下,NeuralWorks Predict 也可以被放置在EXCEL中結合EXCEL運算及圖表分析的能力,或是以指令的模式操作。在UNIX及LINUX的作業環境下,NeuralWorks Predict 是以指令的模式操作。
NeuralWorks Predict 的特色
- 易於使用:
在微軟的作業環境下,由於與EXCEL結合增加了使用介面的熟悉度,您也可以將Predict outputs轉換成更大眾化的格式,譬如將分析結果輸入試算表,藉由圖表顯示提供了更明顯易懂的presentation。建立Predict 模型的由五個對話窗所組成,藉由一步步地引導可自行決定所要建模內容的複雜度以及耗時多久來產生可行解。
- Comprehensive複雜性
Predict 針對不同使用者而有不同的介面層次。初級使用者不會被要求較高層次對話框中過多細節內容的瞭解,相反的,進階者及專家模組則被提供更多的細節評估。
整個完整的Predict 包含五個項目:
1. The train/test selection component
2. The Data Analysis and Transformation component
3. The Input Variable Selection component
4. Non-linear feed-forward constructive algorithms
5. The Flash Code component
- 強大
- Enumerated Integer
- Enumerated String
- Fuzzy; and
- Quintile
The first miscellaneous transform applies to either of the Enumerated transform types. If there are two or more categories that rarely occur, they are combined into a single category labeled Other. The result of the transform is Tmax if the input field doesn’t match any of the categories of the corresponding Enumerated set; otherwise the transform result is Tmin.
The second miscellaneous transform applies to missing or invalid numeric data. If an input field has no data value, or is not a valid numeric value, the result of this transform is Tmax. Otherwise the result of this transform is Tmin.
Continuous transforms that are available in Predict include:
- Linear (the identity transform)
- Log (the natural logarithm function)
- LogLog (the logarithm of the logarithm function)
- Exp (the exponential function)
- ExpExp (the exponential of the exponential function)
- Pwr2 (the square function)
- Pwr4 (the fourth power function)
- Rt2 (the square root function)
- Rt4 (the fourth root function)
- Inv (the inverse function - 1/x)
- InvPwr2 (the inverse of the square function )
- InvPwr4 (the inverse of the fourth power function )
- InvRt2 (the inverse of the square root function)
- InvRt4 (the inverse of the fourth root function)
- Tanh (the hyperbolic tangent function)
- LnX/(1-X) (the natural logarithm of (x/(1-x))
- Logical transforms that are available in Predict include:
- Logical
- Reverse Logical
NeuralWorks Predict System Requirements
All Environments
- x86/x64 architecture CPU, Pentium class or better, single or multi-core
- 1GB RAM (Minimum RAM; Recommend 8 GB when using Windows 7, 8, or 10)
- 20 MB Disk (for Program Files; more disk space required for model data)
Microsoft Windows
- 32-bit or 64-bit Operating System (Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)
- If 64-bit Operating System is installed AND 64-bit Excel (2010 or later, or Excel from Office 365) is installed, the Predict 64-bit Excel Add-in is available. Specify 64-bit when ordering.
- If 64-bit Operating System is installed and 32-bit Excel (2000, or later, or Excel from Office 365) is installed, the Predict 32-bit Excel Add-in is available. Specify 32-bit when ordering.
- If Excel is NOT installed, only the Command Line Interface can be used. Specify 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on the Operating System, when ordering.
NeuralWorks Professional II/PLUS
NeuralWorks® Professional II/PLUS is the world standard for full-featured, extensible neural network development environments. The Professional II/PLUS package contains comprehensive documentation that addresses the entire neural network development and deployment process, including a tutorial, a guide to neural computing, standard and advanced reference manuals, and platform-specific installation and user guides.
NeuralWorks Professional II/PLUS includes a proprietary Instanet facility that supports quickly generating a neural network based on one of the standard neural network architectures found in the neural network literature. After a network is created, all parameters associated with it can be directly modified to fine tune the network based on the target domain. Professional II/PLUS also includes features such as performance-based methods to inhibit over-fitting, automatic optimization of hidden layer size and a facility for pruning hidden units, and an Explain facility that identifies which network inputs most influence output.
In addition to a variety of built-in diagnostic monitoring tools, Professional II/PLUS provides a robust User IO interface through which user-written programs can supply input data to the network and process output from the network.
Professional II/PLUS System Requirements
All Environments
- x86/x64 architecture CPU, Pentium class or better, single or multi-core
- 1GB RAM (Minimum RAM; Recommend 8 GB when using Windows 7, 8, or 10)
- 20 MB Disk (for Program Files; more disk space required for model data)
Microsoft Windows
- 32-bit or 64-bit Operating System (Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, or 10)
- Professional II/PLUS and its add-ons run as 32-bit programs on Windows 64-bit Operating Systems