最新版 Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop 4.7.5 (原名為 Balsamiq Mockups)更新於 2024/4/9
最新版 Balsamiq Wireframes for Jira
最新版 Balsamiq Wireframes for Confluence
Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop (原名為 Balsamiq Mockups)是一款優秀的Wireframe繪製軟體
Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop 為用戶創造愉悅的繪製網站框線圖體驗,讓您的靈感呈現出來不費吹灰之力。在構思階段 Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop 使設計新介面的早期階段成為真正的亮點。Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop 是zenware,這意味著它會幫助您“在區域”搞定了,待在那裡。我們的目標是讓您忘記了我們的軟體是在那裡。Mockups提供相同的速度和粗糙的感覺如同鉛筆素描,隨著數位媒體的優勢:拖曳調整大小和重新排列元素,進行修改而不必從頭開始,而您的工作是夠清楚的,之後您會感到是有道理的。
您的整個團隊可以一起使用Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop ,圍繞正確的設計。Balsamiq Wireframes 是如此簡單易學,客戶端和消費者都可以使用它(甚至是免費的),以更清楚地描述他們的需求。Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop 刻意讓您的線框尖叫,無論這是不是最後的!我只是把這個放在一起,引出真實的回饋,這將導致更好的線框圖,更易於使用的功能。我們了解到作為介於兩者之間的工具是一個很難平衡的撞擊,但我們認為我們正在做的是一個相當不錯的工作,我們致力於它。這就是我們建立Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop 的原因。
Capture Ideas
Just like Mockups
All the sketchy wireframing features of Mockups, but made for teams.
Made for Multiple Projects
Create Projects to organize your mockups and invite collaborators.
Never Miss a Thing
Real-time notifications keep your team aware of changes on your projects.
Test Prototypes
Your linked wireframes integrate easily with 3rd party usability testing services.
Work With Your Team
Revision history lets you view the decision making process with each iteration and review.
Discussion Groups
Every project is also an email list, so you can communicate on and off-site.
Skype Integration
If your team is on Skype, call them up, or start individual or group chats right from the Project Members Menu.
Clients & Contractors
Create an extranet and invite staff, contractors, and clients to view and collaborate on projects.
Access Control
Simple access controls to create private projects, or open them up to guests.
Plans for Every Size Org
Start with a Personal plan or work your way up to an unlimited Enterprise site. They sky is the limit.
We think that in most cases, wireframes + running code is much better than prototyping.
- we're not huge fans of building large prototypes. Too many times we've seen people spend a lot of time putting a fully interactive prototype together, then realizing that some features couldn't actually be built or noticing that the user experience wasn't so great once they implemented the prototype. The problem with prototypes is that they take time to build. When you spend time building something, you start getting attached to it, and changing it becomes painful.
We believe it's much better to wireframe the key screens, implement them, see how they feel and go back to the wireframes to tweak them if needed. You won't be attached to the wireframes, and you'll have spent time learning about what works and what doesn't using the real codebase, and real users! - Letting you specify behaviours and click-actions would inevitably turn Mockups into a much more complex tool, which is a terrible thing for us: if we want to continue to be the in-between tool, Mockups needs to be extremely quick to learn so that every stakeholder can have their say with an equal playing field.
Low in cost, high in quality, built with love
Because the problem we're trying to solve is so focused, our feature-set is naturally limited. Fewer features means fewer bugs, means less support burden, means less staff for us to support, means less cost for you.
Cost of features
We know that Mockups works best when everyone on your product team has a copy, so we want to keep it affordable even at volume prices.
Being low-cost doesn't mean we're cheap. We put our heart and soul into making Mockups the best quality software we possibly can. We embrace rigorous software quality assurance practices; we test early and often, both manually and with code. We spend days on performance improvements, platform-specific bugs and tiny little things you'd only notice if they were broken. We release often — about once a month — to get those bug fixes in your hands as fast as possible. Then we follow up each release with fanatical customer support.
We take pride in our software's quality and customer support. It's something we like to compete on. Obviously no software is without bugs, and we have our share. Our difference is that we make it really easy for you to submit your feedback, we treat your bug reports seriously, consider your feature requests with an open mind, and do our best to work with you to solve your problems in a timely manner.
We've learned that building a product is a lot like cooking a stir-fry: you have to add the different ingredients in the right order and at the right time, or the dish won't come out right.
So if we don't add your favorite feature right away, don't be discouraged, it simply means that it's not the right time for the product or that we're not ready as a company for it. But do not fear, if we tell you that we've added something to our TODO list, it means we're serious about building it.
Balsamiq Mockups 哪一種版本適合我?
Cloud | Desktop | Google Drive |
Balsamiq Cloud is our web app, accessed via your browser. Your projects live in your Space, and stored in the Cloud. Invite unlimited users and collaborate in real time. BEST FOR: Teams, agencies, consultants - anyone who works online. |
Balsamiq for Desktop runs on Windows or Mac. Your project files are saved on your machine. Collaboration is easy: just share your files or interactive PDFs. BEST FOR: Those who prefer to work offline and buying desktop applications instead of recurring subscriptions. |
Balsamiq for Google Drive integrates with Google Drive. Your projects are saved in your Google Drive. Collaboration is the same as Google's own Google Drive apps. BEST FOR: G Suite users, people who want to try Balsamiq out at a low cost. |
Balsamiq for Desktop (單一USER版,限人數)
我們最暢銷的是 Balsamiq for Desktop。這是安裝在桌機上並運行在Windows、Mac和Linux的應用程式。許可證密鑰綁定到使用者,而不是特定的機器。Balsamiq for Desktop 的桌面從您的電腦保存和載文件,就像Microsoft Word或您過去習慣使用的其他桌面應用程式。有很多方法可以與您的團隊和外部客戶分享分享您的工作當在使用Balsamiq for Desktop時,:您可以圍繞發送bmml文件,您可以承載他們一個共享磁碟驅動器或Dropbox,您可以透過電子郵件與人們互動,您的工作PDF文件可相互聯繫。
Balsamiq for Desktop是我們成長最快,功能最強大的線框編輯器,因此我們建議大家購買正版,甚至採購以下任何我們的其他版本也是如此。
Balsamiq Cloud (web版,不限人數)
myBalsamiq內建瀏覽器中編輯線框器,這是極其相似的桌面之一,並且為您和您的團隊提供了一個報價,為Mockups for Desktop一半的定價。
Balsamiq for Google Drive (外掛程式版本)
Product | System Requirements |
Mockups Saved… |
Links | Symbols | Collaboration | Revision History |
Trial Limit |
Mockups for Desktop |
Win, Mac, Linux | as BMML files | ✓ | ✓ | lots of ways | via Dropbox | 7 day | |
myBalsamiq | a browser | in the cloud | ✓ | ✓ | web native | ✓ | 30 day | |
Mockups for Google Drive |
a browser and Google Drive | as Google Drive files | ✓ | ✓ | via Google Drive | ✓ | 30 day | |
Mockups for Confluence | Confluence 4.0 | as attachments | ✓ | via Confluence | ✓ | 30 day | ||
Mockups for JIRA |
JIRA 4.4 | as attachments | ✓ | via JIRA | ✓ | 30 day |
Balsamiq Mockups for Desktop, myBalsamiq, and Mockups for Google Drive support the concept of Symbols. Other software often refers to this same feature as templates, master pages, custom components, or widgets.
In essence, Symbols let you create reusable common elements across different mockups.
Here's a quick video introduction that shows the benefits of this feature.
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows 10 (fully updated)
- 4GB of memory
- 250MB disk space (plus space for backups)
Mac OS X
- macOS 12 Monterey
- 4GB of memory
- 100MB disk space (plus space for backups)