CppDepend 是一種工具,可簡化複雜C \ C ++代碼庫的管理。開發人員可以通過比較不同版本的代碼來分析代碼結構,指定設計規則,進行有效的代碼審查並掌握演變。提供了代碼規則和代碼查詢、技術債務估算、代碼質量的檢測、代碼Vizualisation等功能,其目的便是幫助開發人員設計出更安全的程式。
CppDepend 2024.1: Advanced Source Explorer, Support for C++23/C++20/C++17, C++ Modules Support, and More.
Advanced Source Explorer.
Support for C++23/C++20/C++17.
C++ Modules Support.
Improved Incremental analysis.
Improved Visual Studio support.
New useful rules added.
Improved Linux Support.
External Symbols Refined.
Direct access components for MySQL
MicroOLAP為開發人員提供了從Delphi/C++Builder 的應用程序來存取數據庫伺服器的多種技術,不需要任何中間體。
MicroOLAP Direct Access Components for MySQL and Delphi/C++Builder, also known as MySQLDAC is a Borland Delphi/C++Builder component set for direct connect to MySQL database server.
DevExpress Universal (原名 DXperience Universal)
DevExpress 是家全球知名的控制項開發公司(DevExpress 是 Developer Express 的縮寫)。DevExpress 開發的控制項有很強的實力,不僅功能豐富、應用簡便,而且使用介面華麗又方便。對於程式設計人員來說是個不錯的選擇。它的功能表列控制項更具代表,完全可以替代開發環境提供的基本控制項,而讓您編寫的程式或軟體更顯專業化。它還提供完善的説明資料,讓使用者可以快速入手。
DevExpress 有許多優秀的產品,有套包也有子控制項,在此僅對使用者介面 DevExpress Universal Subscription 做介紹:DevExpress Universal Subscription 是一個.NET 平臺的使用者介面套裝軟體,它包含 Grid、Chart、Reporting、Tree-Grid 等100多個功能子控制項,同時套包內包含 Winfrom、 WPF、Sliverlight、.net 版本和 .NET Application Framework 開發框架。
適用範圍:各種桌面、Web 應用程式開發,尤其是 WinForms 應用程式開發。
With over 180 controls, the DevExpress WinForms Subscription has everything you'll need to create high-impact business solutions for the Windows Forms platform.
The DevExpress WPF Subscription ships with over 110 UI Controls and Libraries allowing you to build Microsoft Office inspired and data analysis application.
Desktop Reporting<
The DevExpress Reporting Subscription delivers easy-to-use customization options and a rich set of report controls.
ASP.NET WebForms
Server-side ASP.NET Controls – the toolset combines versatile controls and straightforward development model.
These ASP.NET MVC optimized extensions share much of the core code with our ASP.NET WebForms controls.
Bootstrap WebForms
A new generation of ASP.NET WebForms controls written from scratch to support Bootstrap themes and adaptivity.
JS - jQuery, Angular, React, Vue<
A fully integrated JavaScript mobile development framework so you can create store-ready, multi-device applications across platforms and devices.
With our UI components for Blazor you can design rich user experiences for both Blazor server-side and Blazor client-side platforms.
Web Reporting
The DevExpress Reporting Subscription delivers easy-to-use customization options and a rich set of report controls.
XAF - App Framework
The eXpressApp Framework is a multi-platform application framework that creates powerful line-of-business applications that target Windows, the Web and Mobile.
XPO - ORM Library
Object-Relational Mapping library that handles all aspects of databa...
Flexicious 成立於2010年,是由一群從最早的2.X版本便開始研究Flex的專業技術人員組成。今日,我們全球優秀的開發團隊已經幫助了數百家公司在對於企業級應用開發的各個方面上提供支援,包括定制產品,開發LOB應用程序,儀表板,可視化等,並提供一流的DataGrid建築諮詢服務。
Flexicious - Custom Flex DataGrid for Adobe Flex. Support for DataGrid Filter, DataGrid Pager, DataGrid Footers.
Flex Products
Flexicious Classic DataGrid/AdvancedDataGrid
Flexicious Flex DataGrid / Advanced DataGrid extends the Adobe Flex SDK DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid by adding support for Inline Filters, Summary Footers, Fully Customizable Server/Client Paging, DataGrid Print & Alive PDF Integration, Excel Export, Word Export, and User Settings Persistence!
Flexicious Ultimate DataGrid
Flexicious Ultimate empowers you with smooth scroll, nested hierarchical tree/child grids, right locked columns, built in lazy load support, in addition to all of the exciting Flexicious features you are already used to, like Print, Word/Excel Export, Paging, Inline Customizable Filter and Footers, Preference Persistence, PDF export, on top of the regular DataGrid features!
Flexicious Dashboard Framework
Flexicious Dashboard Platform empowers you with the foundation to build feature rich, expressive, highly customizable, and deeply engaging dashboard experience. Features include Configurable, Moveable, Resizable, Draggable/Droppable, Expandable/Collapsable Dashlets, Print and Print Preview, PDF Export, Preference Persistence, Professional Skins all built on top of the highly customizable Spark Skinning Framework
Flexicious Spark DataGrid
Flexicious Spark DataGrid extends the NEW Adobe Flex SDK Spark DataGrid and by adding support for the same exciting features as we do for the Halo DataGrid, i.e. Inline Filters, Summary Footers, Fully Customizable Server/Client Paging, DataGrid Print & Alive PDF Integration, Excel Export, Word Export, and User Settings Persistence!
HTML, iOS and Android Products
JavaScript port of our popular Ultimate DataGrid. HTML TreeGrid is built to render highly complex, Hierarchical/Nested as well as Flat Data in JQuery, DOJO, and Sencha EXT-JS based HTML5/JavaScript Line of Business RIA applications, with a massive set of features right out of the box!
A fully native Objective-C port of our popular Ultimate DataGrid. The most powerful DataGrid component for iOS. Support inline filters, summary footers, server/client paging, excel/ word export, user settings persistence, hierarchical tree/child grids, left/right locked columns, lazy load and more!
Android DataGrid
A fully native Java port of our popular Ultimate DataGrid. The most powerful DataGrid component for Android.