GPS-X 是最先進的廢水過程模擬系統。可提供給工程師一個最容易使用又有效的介面和最全面的廢水模型流程分析工具。
Cloud licensing scheme
New Unit Processes
High-Rate Primary Filter
High-Rate Biological Filter
Belt Press Thickener
Gravity Belt Thickener
New Aeration Model Features
Surface oxygen intrusion (correlated to mixing) for anoxic/anaerobic tanks
Dynamic Alpha Factor (correlated to soluble substrate COD)
Improved Steady-State Solver for Oxidation Ditches
MantisIW (Industrial Wastewater) Library now included in all licenses
Petrochemical components (VOCs, sulfur, etc.)
API oil/water separator unit
HSC Chemistry 熱力學模擬軟體
HSC Chemistry 是受歡迎的通用流程模擬、熱化學軟體。HSC 設計用於各種化學反應和平衡的計算以及過程模擬。
HSC 軟體讓傳統熱力學計算速度更快,容易在電腦上進行計算。HSC 具有廣泛的科學教育、工業和研究應用。對開發新的化學過程和改進熱化學計算非常實用,因此,HSC 也是化工實習和研究大學有用的工具。
過去熱力學數據書籍和科學期刊上的論文的熱力學計算、實驗或數據評估已經利用了一些軟體功能。其他更困難的搜索階段和複雜的計算都使得該計算過程相當耗時。但 HSC 提供了在平衡研究化學系統上不同變量強大的計算方法。HSC 也使得不同工料熱量和物料平衡計算變得更容易許多。對 EH-pH 值圖表選項還提供了研究不同材料的溶解和腐蝕行為的方式。
HSC 9 calculation module files are upward compatible with the new HSC 10
Sim Model Base expands personal expertise to organization expertise
Sim Model Optimization with Monte-Carlo, PSO, Simplex, MFit (SQP)
Sim Model Convergence Monitor for static models
Sim Dynamic Report is a new tool for collecting simulation data
Sim file loading and calculation speed improvements
Sim Unit Operation Protection
Sim model combination improvements
Sim OpenLCA dialog improved and updated
Sim new generic unit operations
Gem Equilibrium Module: Own Pitzer parameters, electrode potential calculations
Aqua Module with own Pitzer database
New Sampler Module with save/open features
Diagram Navigator Module: new triangulation algorithm and several small improvements
Data Processing Module with new algorithms and faster graphics
Material Database Module with links to location maps
HSC Main Database Module with new and updated data for chemical species
HSC Main Menu with Sub Menu
Many minor improvements and bug fixes
SIMAHPP for Hydropower 環境參數水電分析工具
SIMAHPP5用於多站點模擬(multi-site simulation),以確定工作流程設計流暢並選擇適當的水輪機,優化營運時間,以最大限度地提高年度能源生產,確定能源收入,估算投資和維護成本,確定攤銷率,淨現值(Net Present Value, NPV),內部收益率(Internal Rate of Return, IRR),回收期。 SIMAHPP5考慮各種環境影響因素,例如通過減少碳排放或其他環境風險在價值產生方面。 SIMAHPP 5具有靈活的分析功能,具有渦輪效率編輯器和報表生成製作的特色功能。
Single-purpose (only hydro scheme) or multi-purpose scheme (hydro + options for water supply, irrigation, and other water needs)
Multi-year data record and analysis (40+ years data per scheme)
Options for additional financial benefits (such as from irrigation, flood protection, water supply, navigation, fisheries, carbon sales, recreation)
Options for environmental impact evaluation (such as population displacement, wildlife, aquatic loses, forest loses and other land changes and integration of environmental action plans, etc
Data options for weekly and hourly mean, in addition to daily, monthly and annual mean
Options to use head losses using Darcy-Weisbach, Manning, Hazen-Williams
Efficient algorithm for appropriate turbine selection and computation of corresponding specific speeds, penstock diameter, static pressure
A wide range of units for input and output parameters (SI, US/UK systems)
Long list of penstock materials with the corresponding roughness properties
Sophisticated data visualization for both input and output data (multi-year, multi-site, multi-parameter).
Reverse vertex analysis, multi-scaling, multi-line, zoom, export, and many…
Sensitivity analysis & sensitivity index (SI) visualization
Summarize and generate simulation report
Project characteristics, classified as Energy Production, Economic Analysis, Environmental Impacts, Equipment & Materials
Site location map
Net Framework
A summary of project simulation output per project site is as follows:
Details of project simulation results per site are as follows:
Energy Production: analysis on the energy production capacity of the hydropower scheme provides with results on
Net head using three head loss methods
Design flow from FDC (Flow-Duration Curve),
Design time of operation for maximizing energy
Optimum power capacity
Maximum energy production
Economic Analysis: analysis on the financial feasibility the hydropower scheme provides with results on
Energy sales revenue,
Carbon market revenue,
Additional revenues in case multi-purpose from domestic water supply, irrigation water, flood control,...
Inquisit 是目前最流行的心理學實驗系統和常用心理學統計軟件之一,現在被五大洲超過400個研究所正在使用。 Inquisit 是全世界行為科學家選擇用於創建豐富調查和量表,信號檢驗測量,內隱態度測驗,以及認知、注意和記憶等方面實驗的工具。它具有精度高、開放式反應、擴展性強、支持語音識別等特點,其獨特功能在於可通過網絡收集實驗數據並對數據加密,支持基於互聯網的實驗。從結構和復雜性來看,在Inquisit 中定義實驗對像如同編輯HTML文件一樣輕鬆。
科學家可使用 Inquist 建立豐富調查,反應時間任務,信號察覺測量,態度測試,以及認識力、領悟力和記憶力方面實驗的工具。Inquist 不僅維持易用的水準,同時展示軟體的強大靈活性和全新功能。利用「忽略邏輯」,「輸入校驗」和「問題類型的多重選擇」來建立豐富調查。使用複雜的分支演算法和使用者自定義來規劃動態刺激適應性測驗。使用Inquisit 內建的統計功能,或定義你自己的矩陣來跟蹤執行情況。
Inquisit Lab Edition 專為實驗室或於教室內使用所設。若欲於網路上收集資料則可選擇Inquisit Web Edition。使用Inquisit Web Edition,則在網路上平衡了 Inquisit的能力和精確度。僅僅需要使用滑鼠點擊幾次,你就可以通過局部區域網或者網路來管理你的Inquisit 實驗。完全不需要繁瑣的安裝和註冊過程就可以做大量的測試。另有奠基於Inquisit Web Edition的Inquisit EDU版本供教學研究用途使用。
Inquisit 6 is a major update of Inquisit that has been years in the making. Our design goals for Inquisit 6 were to extend support to Android tablets, enhance the power of the product, improve usability, and maintain backwards compatibility with past releases in order to ensure a compelling and smooth upgrade path. We have also invested heavily in enabling EU customers to collect and store online data entirely within the EU in order to simplify GDPR compliance. We want to make Inquisit an essential tool for anyone conducting computer-based behavioral research. Towards these ends, Inquisit 6 introduces the following new features:
Android support!
Improved support for Surface tablets and other Windows touch devices.
Much faster download times for Inquisit Web experiments.
Collect and store data with Inquisit Web entirely within the EU (Canada coming soon).
Offline testing support for Inquisit Web on all platforms.
Long form sound recording for interview questions, supported with both Inqusit Lab and Web.
Log multiple responses within a single trial.
Record continuous data streams.
Cross platform support for modern gamepads on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.
New "slidertrial" for Visual Analog Scale (VAS) responses.
New statistical functions for random sampling from distributions including normal, binomial, exponential, poisson, and more.
Rotate visual stimuli by any angle.
Animate the size and rotation of visual stimuli
Language enhancements including for var declarations, while loops, return statements, and inline comments.
Photo capture for collection of photos taken with the participant's device.
Video capture for collection of videos taken with the participant's device.
Use text-to-speech scree...
項目反應理論 (Item Response Theory,簡稱IRT) 包括以下軟體:
IRTPRO for Windows 特色:
◊ 試題反應理論(IRT)可以應用在以下分析
IRTPRO,這是一項在目前的技術尖端的產品。該方案已於微軟的 Windows平台的 Windows7,Vista和 XP操作系統上經過廣泛的測試。
IRTPRO 數值引擎的重要區塊已同時並行運行多個核心。
IRTPRO 發展得到了NIH的SBIR計劃合同HHSN-2612007-00013C 題為:
Technical Description
IRTPRO imports data from a variety of statistical software packages as well as importing data from fixed format data (.fixed), comma-separated (.csv), tab-delimited (usually .txt), and Excel (.xls) files. Whatever the original format, the imported data are saved to an IRTPRO data file with extension .ssig that is displayed visually as a spreadsheet, similar in appearance to an Excel spreadsheet.
IRT models for which item calibration and scoring are implemented in IRTPRO are based on unidimensional and multidimensional [confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) or exploratory factor analysis (EFA)] versions of the following widely used response functions:
o Two-parameter logistic (2PL) [with which equality constraints includes the one-parameter logistic (1PL)
o Three-parameter logistic (3PL)
o Graded
o Generalized Partial Credit
o Nominal