可讓您監控和管理網路上的任何SNMP裝置,即如檔案伺服器;資料庫伺服器;數據機;印表機;路由器;交換器 。
MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition是一個極其方便的,功能強大的,用戶介面友好的SNMP Browser (SNMP流覽器)。
是一個功能強大容易使用的SNMP網路管理工具,可以在Windows和Linux 上執行.MIB Browser可讓您監控和管理網路上的任何SNMP裝置,即如檔案伺服器;資料庫伺服器;數據機;印表機;路由器;交換器;無線基地台等等,使用標準的SNMPv1,SNMPv2c和 SNMPv3 通訊協定.MIB Browser同時也支持加密的 SNMPv3 USM; Diffie-Hellman key exchange model, DOCSIS-based SNMPv3 agents 即也支持纜線數據機;纜線數據機終端系統;Set-top boxes等也可以完全整合在一起.MIB Browser 可讓您執行SNMP Get, SNMP GetNext, SNMP GetBulk 和SNMP等設定條件.另外可讓您擷取網路上的SNMP Trap和SNMP Inform packets.都是網管人員會經常用到的工具.
New dark theme with Windows 11 look and feel.
MIB Browser now features also the Mine Shaft dark theme that mimics the default look and feel of Windows 11 dark mode (e.g., similar dark color tones, light blue checkboxes and buttons, rounded window corners, etc.). With this theme MIB Browser user interface fits perfectly into Windows 11 dark mode desktop environment.
Per-monitor DPI awareness.
MIB Browser now supports the per-monitor HiDPI settings and dynamically handles the scaling of the graphical user interface in a way that looks perfect also when using monitors with different pixel densities, e.g, a HiDPI/4K and a non-HiDPI monitor or two HiDPI monitors with different scaling factors set.
Redesigned application dialog boxes.
A number of MIB Browser dialog boxes have been re-designed or implemented anew (incl. Preferences dialog, Find dialog, various message boxes, etc.), for a streamlined look and effective use.
Improved application performance and stability.
Many optimizations and performance improvements have been implemented in included applications. Furthermore, all known issues in previous versions have been fixed and overall stability and reliability of the software has been improved.
Enhanced documentation.
Updated and enhanced user manuals and help files with numerous hints and usage examples will help you get the most from MG-SOFT MIB Browser Pro. and other bundled MG-SOFT applications.
Besides the above listed features, a number of minor improvements have been implemented in included applications, and all known problems occurring in older versions have been fixed for this release.
Nagios 即時監控系統服務狀態
Nagios 監控系統程式可即時監控主機狀態,管理者所設定的系統服務,當發現所監控系統服務異常時,即發送 Email 告知管理者。 Nagios 是一款功能強大的網路監控軟體,可以監控主機,本地端或遠端的主機,服務加入許多非常人性化的觀念進去,且還可自行依需求來撰寫當監控主機或服務發生問題時的反應動作,是個非常強大的監控軟體。
Nagios 販售多款網路監控軟體,包括 Nagios XI 標準版和企業版、Nagios Log Server、Nagios Fusion 和 Nagios Network Analyzer。
Nagios XI 企業伺服器和網絡監控軟體
Powerful Monitoring Engine
Nagios XI uses the powerful Nagios Core 4 monitoring engine to provide users with efficient, scalable monitoring.
New Neptune UI Theme
Utilize an updated UI theme for easier navigation and clearer information on Hosts and Services.
Capacity Planning
Automated, integrated trending and capacity planning graphs allow organizations to plan for upgrades.
Advanced Graphs & More
Administrators can easily view network incidents and resolve them before they become major catastrophes.
Configuration Wizards
Get monitoring in a few simple clicks by simply entering the required information into our easy-to-use Wizards.
Infrastructure Management
Simplify management with improved Bulk Host Import, Auto-Discovery, Auto Decommissioning, and more!
Configuration Snapshot
Save your most recent configurations. Archive it. Revert back whenever you like. Never lose it again. Relax.
Advanced User Management
Easily setup and manage user accounts with only a few clicks then assign custom roles to ensure a secure environment.
NetLimiter 是一款網路流量監控工具,是專為 Windows 所設計。您可以使用NetLimiter依據應用程序的限制設定下載 /上傳的傳輸速率甚至是單一的連結和監控他們的網路流量。
NetLimiter 主要功能:
*提供額外的網路資訊,例如 WHOIS, traceroute etc.
*能以 Service 的形式常駐於Windows 系統中
*過濾器(Filter):可只限制符合特定條件的應用程式之頻寬使用,例如只有當資料是傳送到某個 IP 時才限制頻寬
For all Windows 7, 10, 11 and later
NetScanTools Pro 是一款適用於網絡專家們的網路資訊收集和網路故障排除實用程序集成的組合。用來研究IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, hostnames, domain names, email addresses and URLs automatically** or with manual tools。且適用於Windows操作系統。
Greatly enhances many familiar network tools.
Saves time when gathering information about Internet or local LAN network devices, IP addresses, domains, device ports, and many other network specifics.
Simplifies and speeds up the information gathering process by Automating the use of many network tools for you. You enter an IP and press one button to use many tools.
Produces clear, concise results reports in your web browser.
Also available as a USB Flash Drive portable application -- and can be (or end user installed) on a fast USB Flash Drive with plenty of space for other great tools like Wireshark® Portable or NMAP.
Requires: Windows 11/10 (32 or 64 bit) and a TCP/IP network connection. Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
Visual MIBrowser 由NuDesign Team開發完成。是一套在Windows環境下使用的工具程式,它提供了方便的介面,使用者無須花費大量的心力在OID 的索引,只要透過圖形介面的點選,就可以得到想要的MIB資料值。
Visual MIBrowser Professional是一款擁有Visual MIBrowser所有特性的加強版NMP MIB Browser,增加了SNMPv3功能使SNMPv3 agents通訊時具備更卓越的安全性。其他增強功能已建置在MIB處理,報警檢測和通知記錄。
使用Visual MIBrowser Professional你可以:
使用所有Visual MIB Browser的功能,如VB scripting
使用預先封裝的SNMP Agent MIB工具測試你的MIB。瀏覽器使用MIB Compiler和VB scripting快速生成一個詳細的實施報告。
從SNMP CLI介面的任何 OID中使用Get, GetNext或GetBulk,訪問"raw"開發代理
記錄和顯示在"human readable form"的SNMP數據包、分析那些在MIB Browser Pro和SNMP Agent之間交換的難以調試的SNMPv3數據包。
在v3 agents設置和使用SNMPv3 Proxy mechanism。
查詢預配置的SNMPv3 agents
設置了具體的監督,並將它作為Windows Service自動運行的瀏覽器。
使用您選擇的HMAC-MD5或HMAC-SHA authentication; CBC-DES或CFB128-AES-128 privacy讓 V3 agents安全通訊
觀看在Browse Tree中定義的MIB module
Compatibility Note: The MS Windows product evaluations have been tested on Windows Servers and Workstations: 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11, 32bit and 64bit versions. The Linux products have been tested on these primary families of Linux distributions: Fedora, RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu & SUSE, 32bit and 64bit versions.