Lightning Fast File Search 檔案搜尋軟體
FileSeek 是一款簡易好用的檔案文件內容搜索程式,可以使用簡單搜尋檔案內容關鍵字(queries),或用正則表達式(regular expressions)來搜索文件。 您甚至可以在多台電腦之間同步您想要的搜索設定。
FileSeek works with these versions of Windows:
FileSeek 适用于以下版本的 Windows:
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 SP1 (32位和 64位)
Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, 2012, and 2008 R2 (32位和 64位)
FinalCode 是一種文件加密/跟踪解決方案,允許您加密重要文件,跟踪其使用情況,甚至遠程刪除它們。當文件發送到公司外部時,使用FinalCode可以防止重要信息(例如技術數據,項目建議書,設計圖紙和客戶信息)的洩漏。
它由加密/查看文件的FinalCode Client和管理文件權限和其他任務的FinalCode Server組成。
最新版本可以在組織內部和外部的任何地方保護文件。FinalCode 具有安全性和可用性功能。重點包括保護整個文件夾的能力,新的FinalCode資源管理器,在打開文件/文件夾時對用戶進行身份驗證的能力,對複雜應用程式和Adobe Illustrator等設計軟體的增強支持以及為搜索目的標記安全文件的功能。
安全容器 - 安全容器功能加密整個文件夾而不是單獨加密文件。這樣,用戶可以同時打開安全容器中的多個安全文件,
對複雜應用程序的擴展支持 - 支持AutoCAD,Photoshop和Illustrator等設計軟體,允許用戶同時在安全容器中查看多個設計
FinalCode Explorer - 與標準Windows資源管理器類似,FinalCode Explorer允許用戶在簡化的可搜索界面中
打開時身份驗證 -強身份驗證功能允許用戶在每次打開安全文件或文件夾時設置身份驗證。當需要高度安全的身份驗證時,
標記 - 用戶現在可以通過文件的元數據將標記添加到其安全文件中。以前,文件搜索僅可通過訪問日誌獲得。
支持Zip文件 - 以前,用戶必須首先解壓縮文件,然後添加修改並再次壓縮文件。使用5.3中的安全容器功能,用戶可以通過
FinalCode Explorer直接編輯和保存文件,而無需解壓縮和重新壓縮
FinalCode Ver.5
FinalCode Ver.6
Within companies and organizations user *1 of encryption, editing, and viewing user
Companies and organizations within the user *1 of encryption and editing user
(in-house viewing user is free of charge)
(Users outside the company/group *2 are free)
Fee structure according to the number of purchased licenses
Not applicable
Deletion / illegal notification function
Paid option
(license / year)
(provided as a standard function)
Network Folder Security
Paid option
(license / year)
(provided as a standard function)
Transparent Secure function
*1 A user whose e-mail address has the "company domain registered by the main administrator on the management screen".
*2 Users with e-mai...
Globodox 是為中大型企業所設計的文件檔案管理軟體套件。它具有一套整合的工具可以進行掃描,索引,搜尋,安全,共享,審計和工作流程。
Globodox 是一個基於Windows的桌面客戶端以及Web瀏覽器的客戶端(可選)的軟體。 Globodox 有兩個版本供選擇,Standard 和 Suite。
Globodox in vertical layout.
Globodox in horizontal layout showing Thumbnails. Expanded Infomation tab is seen next to document preview.
Globodox in horizontal layout showing expanded Advanced Search box.
Multi-page document opened in its own separate window. Some text is highlighted, and Stamp and Signature are applied on the document. Expanded 'Pages' tab is seen towards the left.
Supported Operating Systems
Windows Desktop Edition
Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
Windows Server Edition
Windows Server 2008 / 2012 / 2016
Note: Both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows are supported.
Globodox Server Requirements
Operating System:
Globodox can be installed in Server mode on any Supported Windows Operating system. We recommend you use Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2016.
Memory (RAM):
4GB server memory minimum. We would recommend 8GB or above for better performance.
Free hard disk space for software installation: 200MB
Hard Disk space to store documents: Depends on the total size of your documents.
Microsoft.Net Framework 2.0, 4.0: (If not present, it will be automatically downloaded and installed.)
Web Server:
IIS must be enabled on the server machine if browser based access via Globodox Web Client is required (this is available as part of Globodox Suite and as an optional module for Globodox Standard).
Globodox Client Requirements
Processor: 1GHz processor (2 GHz or more recommended)
Memory (RAM): 2GB recommended
Free hard disk space for software installation: 200MB
Microsoft.Net Framework 2.0, 4.0: (If not present, it will be automatically downloaded and installed.)
Note: In case you are using a MySQL DB, MySQL ODBC Client Driver 5.3.4 (32 bit) must be installed on the Client machines. To know more, click here.
Globodox Web Client
Latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera & Internet Explorer
Supported Databases
MS SQL Server 2005 and higher
One machine on the network running MS SQL Server is required if you want to create and use MS SQL Server based Globodox DBs.
MS SQL Express
One machine on the network running MS SQL Server is required if you want to create and use MS SQL Server based Globodox DBs.
MySQL 5.0 and higher
One machine on the network running MySQL Server is required if you want to create and use MySQL based Globodox DBs. MySQL ODBC Client Driver 5.3.4 (32 bit) must be insta...
AI 人工智慧導入
• 透過運算分析注釋過的網頁內容
• 為注釋過的網頁內容,按屬性自動進行分類
• 點及分類可篩選出更多自己感興趣的內容
• 共享資料夾讓團隊溝通無障礙,包括共享資料、圖片、文章、影片以及URL。
• 建立團隊、管理團隊成員、加入團隊以促進團隊協力工作
• 直接分享網頁註釋與重點給團隊成員
• 團隊剪貼簿可以收集多種數位素材,讓您有效收集各種想法
• 團隊看板讓成員的歷史紀錄一目瞭然
• 透過Safari或內建瀏覽器,對網頁內容螢光劃記
• 提供網頁註記內容以摘要列表形式呈現
• 螢光劃記的網頁可同步到不同裝置中
• 透過全球用戶中發現有趣的網路資訊
• 將網頁內容與PDF文件連結以建立參照
• 可插入螢光筆畫線、手寫、便條紙、文字方塊、箭頭或幾何圖形等
• 支援個人簽名管理與PDF表格填寫
• BOTA列表 – 列表摘要文章內所有註釋內容
• PDF頁面旋轉、排序、新增或刪除
• 輸出PDF頁面或圖片影像
• 插入浮水印、PDF文件合併與分割
• 簡報模式
• 夜間閱讀模式
• PDF插入錄音內容、圖片、超連結
• 建立標記內容合併副本
+ 耶魯語言研究中心文章推薦 - “Annotation and Screencasting to Extend the Reach of Your Classroom”
+ TechCrunch新聞報導 - “Kdan Mobile’s Cloud-Based Apps Are an Alternative Adobe Products”
+ 網路媒體TabletPC Reciew評測推薦 - “The 9 Best PDF Apps for the Apple iPad”
+ 用戶Val Sigler使用回饋 - “Markup helps me to take work with me when I am not in the office. It really does make life better!”
iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
Markup專業版(iOS): 提供Pocket Scanner產品內完整付費功能(不含雲端服務)。
Creativity 365方案:本方案提供全方位跨裝置平台的數位內容創作服務,包含凱鈿旗下五個主要產品:Animation Desk、Write-on Video、NoteLedge、Markup與Pocket Scanner,並額外提供1TB Kdan Cloud雲端空間。
MOOS Project Viewer 針對微軟 Office 軟體檔案格式的強大閱讀器
微軟 Office 熱門辨公室文書作業軟體在進階使用方式有專屬的檔案格式,MOOS Project Viewer 閱讀器是一款針對微軟Office 專案Proejct專門檔案格式開發的實用閱讀器工具,重點功能是可以簡易打開任何一種 Microsoft® Project 檔案,包括 mpp, mpt, xml 格式檔案,以及支持所有 Microsoft® Project 版本 (2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013),支持 Windows®, Mac OS X 和 Linux 作業系統。
MOOS Project Viewer 是快速開啟 .mpp檔案最佳工具,.mpp檔案格式在電腦裏沒有可對應開啟的程式軟體,.mpp格式是微軟Project專案製作軟體的專門格式檔案,微軟 Project file type (.mpp, .mpt, .mpx, .xml)都是由Project所產生的特殊格式,皆可以藉由MOOS Project Viewer 閱讀器開啟。
How does it help
For simple users it just saves them some money (about 5% of a MS® Project license in our case). For companies:
It saves money as not all users need to make changes so just a viewer/reader is enough
It is the perfect solution for project stakeholders to view the project details in a dynamic way and not just using static reports
Netwrix Auditor是一套IT監管軟體,您可得到詳細的監管資料,包括誰在何時、何處、作出了何種變更,以及所有用戶的存取權限。
New Features
Improved risk assessment, searching and alerting capabilities for sensitive data — Through integration with Netwrix Data Classification, Netwrix Auditor offers additional enhancements to data security. You can now identify sensitive data shared with everyone and through direct access in Risk Assessment, as well as search for activities around sensitive data on Dell Unity and receive alerts on such activities.
Add-on Store inside Netwrix Auditor — The Add-on Store is your one-stop shop for integrating Netwrix Auditor with your IT ecosystem. Now, you do not need to leave Auditor to get free, pre-built add-ons for SIEM systems, ITSM tools, cloud services, and more.
Reporting on Azure AD group membership — Two new reports empower you to easily review the membership of privileged groups in Azure AD, either on demand or via subscription. One report lists all your Azure AD groups with their type, description and members; the other lists all the groups that a given user account is a member of.
Major Enhancements
Cisco Meraki devices can now be monitored in the environments where MFA is required thanks to the new API connection mode.
The Access Reviews module now supports DFS and non-Windows file shares: Dell Unity, NetApp, Nutanix Files, Qumulo, and Synology.
To speed investigations, details about the actions that triggered an alert are available right from the Alert dashboard.
The rearrangeable tiles on the Home Screen are now resizable as well.
You get detailed recommendations on how to use Netwrix Auditor based on your configuration and action history.
You can filter the “Overexposed data in Teams” report based on data sensitivity.
You see the names of accounts that were added to or removed from Exchange Online distribution lists.
Identification of MFA requirement for Azure AD logons is now more accurate.
Netwrix Auditor now supports Oracle 21c, Pulse Secure 9.1R3, Cisco OS FTD 6.5, Qumulo Core 4 and 5, Dell Unity 5.2, NetApp up to 9.12, Dell Isilon up to 9.4, VMware vCenter up to 8.0.
Numerous additional enhancements have been made to improve administration, performance and security.